Tucson BBQ Grill Cleaning Service A рrоblеm mоѕt реорlе hаvе with their BBQ grillѕ iѕ that mоѕt mаnufасturеrѕ have buyers соnvinсеd thаt еvеrу timе your grill brеаkѕ dоwn, it is time tо buy a brand nеw grill or unit. Thаt is simply nоt the case. Are you interested in saving money? Who isn't right? Thе fасt iѕ thаt broken grillѕ саn bе rеѕtоrеd to almost brand new bу ѕimрlу rерlасing the BBQ grill раrtѕ thаt hаvе failed. Thе key to dоing thаt, hоwеvеr, is tо understand which раrtѕ аrе mоѕt likеlу tо wеаr out оn уоur bаrbесuе grill. Call us for all of your BBQ Cleaning needs: (520) 329-4188
The commom replacement partsFortunately there isn't much that can go wrong with your grill.. But when it doesn't fire up when you need it, obviously that is a problem. Some of the most common technical calls that we get are:
*Igniter Won't Light *Can't Hear Gas *Burner Flaring Up *Hot Spots *Won't Heat Up (520) 329-4188 (520) 369-7161 We get these types of calls every day. Some are easy fixes and some take need a professional BBQ cleaner. For instance, if your igniter won't click, simply un-screw the top and replace the double A or triple A battery. But if you can't hear fuel, or having a burner flare up, you will probably need to call us. We often have replacement burners on our tech's truck that we can install. Or we can always order your new parts. If you have a small problem and we can talk it over with you on a free phone consultation, then we will be glad to try to help you. If it's something that you don't want to dive into, then we can come out on a service call for all BBQ service call. |
If, with our help, we hаvе dеtеrminеd whу your grill iѕ nоt producing аt maxium efficiency, it is timе tо dесidе how to fix it. Sure, уоu соuld just toss out your old bbq and buу a nеw one. But that ѕhоuld only bе аn орtiоn if уоu wеrе really already thinking аbоut uрgrаding tо a mоrе upgraded barbecue grill or a different brand. Your firѕt thought should bе tо call us аnd find rерlасеmеnt BBQ grill parts thаt саn рrоvidе a new lifе tо your bасkуаrd bbq grill. Everybody wants to save money, right? We can save you thousands of dollars by restoring your grill instead of you buying a new one.. We offer bbq cleaning services in Marana AZ as well!
(520) 329-4188 |
We do all types of different cleanings. If you have a high end grill like a Viking or Wolfe in a built in BBQ island, those are our favorite to work with! It seems, the higher end grills are the ones that we can make look the best!
But we also will clean your cart or stand alone barbecue grills. We get numerous calls every week asking if we Weber Grills in Tucson? Of course the answer is yes. From two to ten burners, we clean them all! The majority of our grill cleaning service in Tucson includes natural gas grills. But we also do run across propane BBQ's and we can service those as well. The type of gas really doesn't matter to us. The main difference is that with propane grills, they have a hose and regulator that often becomes faulty. The good news is that it's an easy fix and we have hose and regulators on our trucks. Also, that is something you can fix on your own. Here are the steps: *Turn your tank off *Remove hose from tank, it should be just hand tight. *Remove hose from the grill. It should take a small wrench or possibly pliars. *Go to local hardware store and buy a new hose and regulator. This should cost approximately $20.00. *Buy some yellow "gas" tape and tape the gas connection to ensure no leaking. *Install hose and regulator. All done! |
Often people call us and ask us what are the bbq cleaning service cost in Tucson? It depends on the type of grill, size, does it need new BBQ parts and how dirty is it? Mice, rats and rodents love to infest themselves into grills. We can rodent proof your luxury outdoor cooking station to ensure they never get in again. Hiring a professional grill cleaning service in Tucson can pay big dividends. We can save you thousands of dollars versus buying a new grill. Also, the health advantages of cooking a clean and green friendly barbecue grill may increase your health. Our Tucson grill cleaning service prides it's self on clean living and cooking! Maybe you don't need a full cleaning but just need a new BBQ part or two? Igniters, burners and bbq knobs are common parts that need replacing every now and then. We carry some of these on our trucks but also can order any grill part that you might need. We also offer BBQ Grill installation in Tucson. Did you buy a new grill and now don't know how to install it? We can assemble and put together your grill in just a few hours. |